Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Storage Tech.

Since I love to cook, I have many kinds of spices, sauces, dried ingredients, dishes and glasses, pots and pans, and other cooking tools. But, I live in one bed room condo and my kitchen doesn't have enough space to store many stuffs for cooking. Many of you might facing this problems as well, and this is a very common problem for house wife in Japan, so a lot of magazines and TV programs introduces storage techniques by using goods from a dollar stores. Today, I'm gonna introduce you some of the storage tech and some useful goods from Dollarama (Canadian dollar store) and Daiso (Japanese dollar store).  
Mayo and Ketchup bottle (left) and One Push Open Plastic Jar (right) from Daiso. I recommend you the One push open plastic jar because the rid opens up with just one push. No need to suffer from opening jar anymore, and it will prevents from spreading the powder ingredients by opening the rid.
I  store the coffee beans, tea pack, and pasta. Daiso sells incredible kitchen tools and storage stuffs for only 100 yen (about $1) in Japan, yet $2 in Canadian Daiso because it is imported goods. I personally think $2 is still cheap for the high quality goods from Daiso.
One Push jar has 3 sizes; 900 (L), 700 (M), 500 (S). The reason why I store the ingredients in One Push jar is because it is possible to pile them up, and uses less space to store than keeping in the bag.  

This is my spice rack. The oil jar and the sesame grinder is also from Daiso. I buy a huge bottle of oil because it is cheaper to buy large bottle in Canada, therefore the oil bottle is very useful. For the spices and dried ingredients, I store in a spice jar from dollarama.  

This spice jar from dollarama is only $1 for 3 bottles!!! thus, 1 bottle for $0. 34!! 
This is my favorite space under the sink. I store my rice in a red storage pot from Le cruset, and all the professional pans and pots by Jamie Oliver is a birthday gift from two of my best friend Mark and Ellie =) 
I had a problem with storing rids for pots, so I went to Daiso to get this dish stand, and it actually work perfectly. 

Now, I'm gonna introduce you dead space storage tech. Here is one of the dead space storage technique called "Door storage". I guess some of you already realized this tech. from my spice rack picture. 

I use this Fusil sticking hook from Daiso. Daiso has several types of hooks; Magnet, Neil, Sucking, Sticker, and this Fusil hook. Fusil hook is the strongest hook, and melt the back side of the hook with lighter and put it on the door/ wall. It will come out easily by warming up the hook with lighter again. No wholes or stains after taking off the hook =)

These are some other door storage tech. with using door hook from Daiso.
In this rack, I use bowl stand case to pile up the rice and soup bowls. 

This thing is actually for dish storage, but I use it to store little plates and plastic wrap/ aluminum foil as a picture before. This is a Technique Using dead space above the piled dishes!   

I enjoy using goods from a dollar store to store my cooking goods. My favorite dollar store in vancouver area is Dollarama (Canadian store), Yokoyaya in Downtown (Japanese store), and Daiso in Ritchmond (Japanese store). Yokoyaya is one of my favorite one close to my house. It is located in the 1st floor of Tinsel town =) 

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